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st gen knowledge

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Gasbaggertie | 13:54 Sun 13th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Hi! Stuck on 3 and can't find the answers in the site - beginning to lose the will to live!!!

10a attempt to pass beyond the limjits of what is known. 8 letters. We have u?t?a?s?

26a double headed musical instrument with snares 4,4 We have ?a?e ?r?m - presume drum

28a 10 t0 power of one followed by 100 zeros 10 letter We have g??e?l?l?x

I know some of these have been answered but can't find them on the site. Thanks for any help.


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26a side drum
28a. googolplex.
10a Ultraism
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Thank you all. We had got 'no mistake' instead of 'no messing' and that screwed everything up!

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