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As if the intellectual stimulation of learning all the names of the Tai Chi moves were not enough, we also discovered Geocaching: The game where you are the search engine.
The idea of this game is to locate containers (caches) hidden by other Geocachers. The hiders give the location of the cache (its GPS co-ordinates -- Global Positioning System) on the Geocaching website and (armed with a hand-held GPS) off you go to find it. Caches may be hidden all over the world, but you can be sure that there will be many near where you live. They are all on public land, in towns and in the countryside, but usually very cunningly hidden. Their size varies from a tupperware lunch box to very tiny indeed. I think the smallest one we found was a circular metal container about 1cm in diameter 0.5 cm deep, which was attached to the underside of a metal railing by a magnet. All caches contain a log to sign (usually a rolled up sheet of paper) and a pencil. The ones which are big enough also contain a variety of small objects or 'treasure' (such as key rings, coins, disposable lighters, postcards, etc.). Participants are welcome to remove any or all of the objects, but it is considered courteous that if you take something, then you should replace it with something else.