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Should I keep reading . . .

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shivvy | 02:15 Wed 02nd Mar 2011 | Books & Authors
18 Answers
. . . The girl with the dragon tattoo?

It was recommended to me but, although I'm not too far in to it, it isn't doing much for me. Is it worth while keeping at it?

I hate giving up on books but I don't know if I can be bothered with this one!


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Can't help you with that book shivvy, but know what you mean about hating to give up on a book, I usually try and persevere.
However someone gave me one of the Twilight saga, raving about it, after a couple of pages I thought what complete drivel!
Sometimes its best to just give up!
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Apparently it is a massively successful book (is part of a trilogy and has been made into a movie?) but I'm a bit worried that it might just be a long winded page turner.
The first 40/50 pages are just bombarding me with scene-setting details which I prefer to pick up along the way.
Stick with it would be my advice, but people's literary tastes are different. I thoroughtly enjoyed the trilogy.
Awww i got this trilogy on my Kindle, wauting to read. Are they rubbish then? :-(
Life's too short shivvy. There are thousands of great books out there and if this one hasn't gripped you by page 50 it probably never will. There's no shame in giving up on a book if you're not enjoying it and like QM says literary tastes are different so just because some else loved it you may not.
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I was talking to my father in law (who recommended the book) and he said that he found the start of it hard but it was worth plodding through it as it gets much better later.
So I will stick at it !
I have heard at least 4 people say that to start with the books are hardgoing - mainly because of there being so many characters, and all with long unpronounceable Swedish names.
However, they have all said that it is worth sticking with, as eventually you remember who everyone is and the story gets better.

I personally haven't read them. Personally, if I don't get into a book in the first couple of chapters, I put it down. Sometimes I go back to it another time and try again - The Cellist of Sarajevo was one I could not get into the first time, but tried it again and loved it (weird....).
Stick with it, it gets better. I assume you must be in the first 100 pages or so.
I think you have to get used to his way of writng, kind of slow and descriptive.
It took a good 100 pages for me to get into the book. I'm now on the third one of the series.
ok, just seen you are 40/50 pages in,
Slinkycat - re twilight. the seiries is aimed at young adults who seem to enjoy them, but, being a more mature adult, i just didn't like the style of writing - ploughed thru the first one to see what all the fuss was about, but didn't bother with the rest.
I have to say that I read it and I wasn't that impressed. There are so many plot holes its ridiculous. It also seems to be confused at what it wants to be, it is a narrative, discriptive drama at the beginning and ends up a murder, mystery pot boiler.

I bought all three books at the same time the last two remain unread.
I found the first one slow and boring to start with but had taken it as a holiday read so persevered, ok not great but not bad and the next two are much better
It's the best out of the trilogy but personally I thought all three were a bit boring.
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Hmm - mixed reviews!
I haven't read it, but when I've started reading books in the past that I've really not liked, then I've put them away on my 'later' shelf and got on with a different book, maybe coming back to the 'hated' one at a later date when you're in an appropriate frame of mind to receive it. It may be weeks, months or even years later, or even not at all, but it doesn't matter. You have the right to read or not read a particular book, and you have the right to choose when you read it.
Yes it is slow to begin with, but well worth sticking with it. The early part of the book is very much scene setting,but the pace does pick up. I found it hard to put down once it got going.
I've read all three, liked the second one (fire) best
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Well, I finally finished the book and I have to say that I'm not impressed!

It could have been a good book but in my opinion it has a few major flaws - the main one being that it is far longer than it needs to be.

My decision now is whether to start on the second book of the trilogy?!
I found it very easy to read but when I came to the end I realised that I hadn't really enjoyed it. There was violence that I found too graphic and to be honest it didn't lie very easy with me. Despite being encouraged by other ABers to read the trilogy, just the one book was enough for me. It's all a matter of taste and perhaps I'm a bit too squeamish.

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