Hi everybody, I am baffled by a few today. Group of spectators (8). ?U?O?N?E. Annual grant to the crown (5,4). C?V?L ?I??. Northern Ireland parliament (8). ?T???O?T. Bound to happen (10). ??????able. Gambling counters (5) ????E. Computer language (5). no clues at all. many thanks
Hi - I think you have a letter wrong in first one as answer would seem to be 'Audience'. Next is Civil List, then Stormont, followed by Inevitable, then Chips. Sorry I haven't the first idea about computer languages!
Hi - I think you have a letter wrong in the first answer which looks to be AUDIENCE. Next is CIVIL LIST, then STORMONT, followed by INEVITABLE and CHIPS. Sorry I have no idea at all about computer languages but I'm sure someone else will have!