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Heage Quiz 101

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BetteK | 11:34 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
30 Answers
I have decided the photo of place number 101 must be BRIGADOON!

The magical, ficticious place that appears only once in a hundred years and has yet to be captured by Google.

The photo on the sheet is one from the setters private collection obviously.


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Actually it isn't .........
Well done Daffodil. That look as if you have found it. congratulations.
Don't get too excited - if you go back to mid January the post about voiding Q9 because the picture was indistinct came from Daffodil, so I guess that Daffodil is the alter ego of the setter.
Found 101 by accident while looking for one of the other harder ones
Wow! And I thought 101 WAS the hardest one. How did you manage that, I've googled till my brain hurts?
Can you give us a clue for 101 hazelb, please.
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Sorry others are struggling with 101 but am glad it is not just me! I am quite out of ideas now and can't think of any other combinations to search for. I also think this is the hardest one to find ...or not find!
Out of interest has anyone else got Logo 23 yet? Can anyone confirm if it is a UK company? No answer please but just a teeny-weeny clue would be appreciated.
photo 101 is a photo taken by super stack,,

could any one help me on logos 8 and 23

and i will help whom ever help me out as well as i can,

many thanks
turn on the lights
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Am still looking turnonthelights!
If I Google super stack I just get images of computer towers or Pringles!
it took me about 6 hours to find it i found it on the super stack website
can someone please tell me is 101 a castle , abbey ruin or what, it may help as I still cannot get it.
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I can't even find the super stack website!
Turnonthelights......I can give you a clue to one you need in return for clue to 101 if you like to put your email on here.
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Why not give us all a clue? I sure would if I could help in any way.
juila-mag,, do you have logos 8 or 23 and i will give you a clue for 101 if you have ?
julia - just a tip, we shouldn't put personal emails on here, against Site Rules....
Right my apologies... Thanks for the advice.
i will give you a clue if you could give me a clue on logo 8 or/and 23 please xx
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Nope ... still can't find super stack website!
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And if I see the photo of the Sudbury chimney one more time I shall *S*C*R*E*A*M* !!!!

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