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nelruth | 21:50 Sat 07th Jun 2014 | Riddles
35 Answers
Elephants are much rarer than they used to be, but they have something to help them survive that no other animal has. What?


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is it Noddy as a friend?
Why do elephants have Big Ears?
I give in. tell me or I wont be able to sleep tonight.
You wouldn't want to see Mr.c's elephant impersonation...
a shotgun!
cupes lol xx
Baby elephants
An english county after a backward footballer (well, it's as sensible as some of the answers).
They nothing bothers no worries...they live longer:-)
lowering the tone again, cupid ?
is it the lifeboat that the women and children left behind?
Trunk calls?
@ svejk lowering the tone again, cupid ?
can we get any lower ...............oh yessssssss
Baby elephants
......or wee calves ;-)
very clever shoota :-)
How do male elephants find female elephants in the tall grass?
How do you get down from an elephant?
You don't, you get down from a duck.
Q] What did the elephant say to the naked man?

A] Hey that's cute but can you breathe through it!

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