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summer quiz

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sarahjacko1 | 14:25 Wed 28th May 2008 | Riddles
4 Answers
thanx 2 squarebear gen2 & tyrepill for helping with the quiz which i have now completed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Welcome to Answerbank sarahjacko1.
Well done on finishing this quiz .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must be pleased with your efforts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it's good to know you've probably helped hundreds of other participants in this quiz.
By the way, I think you are supposed to keep the number of separate postings to a minimum as by making lots of separate ones you relegate everyone else's off the screen.
Gotta go out, so don't have a lot of time time.

Ditto the above comment - all you have done is bump other questions down, and that is not fair.

Also, on e of the joys of any quiz, is seeing if you know the answer, or trying to find out, not getting others to answer for you. If you can't do quizzes, why bother?
lol ignore the trolls sarahjacko1. Always glad to help.

Please feel free to post as many questions as you need help with. (Although keeping them in one post is a good idea)
sarahjacko1 - seeing the number of questions you have asked, I hardly think it's too good a choice of words to say "the quiz which I have now completed"!

squarebear - I know we have been here before and we have widely opposed views, but there is absolutely no need to become abusive and start name calling. If you want to make a point, you will find that a little politeness costs nothing. Both "factor30" and "Postdog" have criticised (rightly in my opinion), but neither have been abusive. I think you owe them an apology.

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