Flob, you need to remember that biological classification is a man-made system and Nature doesn't always adhere to that. It is impossible to say when one species spreads out and becomes isolated from its kindred, thus altering to its individual environment so become biologically different from the species where they come from and become a species on its own right. This takes many thousands of generations, but can happen relatively quickly if say one species is divided by a Natural disaster so contact between the two groups is severed.
Horses and donkeys are different species and can breed with each other but the progeny is generally sterile. They are thus in the same Genus; Equus, but a different species. The identical Genus of both tells us that they have a kindred ancestry millions of years ago. Over this period they have become so different from each other that eventually they became separate species as they are now very different.
Again, a species is just a name for a type of life that is different for a similar type of life but has been separated and have altered genetically.
Sub-species is just another made up name for groups of organisms that have only recently started changing. The domestic dog is very much able to successfully breed with any of the wild wolf groups, thus indicating that they are the same species but the humans, being what we are, have chosen to put the different types of wolf in sub-species and give the domestic dog its own tag Canis lupus familiaris. The African hunting dog has become so different from the Wolf since European/African continent separation many millions of years ago, that it is not only a different species from the wolf but also the Genus. They do however share the same Family classification.
The different races of humans are indeed the same species but if they were any other animal the races would be termed sub-species by us. This ofcourse is not done among humans but was the ca