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MOS 5d

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joyousbee | 12:48 Sun 14th Aug 2011 | Science
13 Answers
Any ideas on this one E-o-k-l-t-n or have i gone horribly wrong somewhere


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It is a bit difficult without the clue...
exoskeleton fits your letters...
Exoskeleton fits the letters
Morning M,Lady
Hello, alexanderd.

Did your team win Match of the Day last night ?
Not quite, but a creditable draw(away to Liverpool). I left Matron and the butler to there own devices!!!
Are you telling me they use devices ???!!!
dont go there!!!
No indeed. I am of far to delicate a disposition to think of devices.....might cause another decline....
And welcome to AB, joyousbee! :-))

It's not always like this, you won't always have extra traffic on your threads & no, we don't all use devices...

Never been to Devizes either
too early in the day for that right I am off to see what is for lunch, might catch up with you later. A day on my own today for a change so it is probably beans on toast!!!
SO sorry, joyousbee. I didn't realise you had just joined. It isn't normally like this, really.
Welcome to the site and I hope you get as much pleasure from it as I have over the years.
People here are so helpful (and sometimes just a little bit saucy !)
For next time, though ,it's better if you post the full clue, number of letters and any you have placed.

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MOS 5d

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