Since the putative active ingredient in homeopathic medicine is diluted to statistical non -existence the adherents to this kind of therapy have explained that the curative properties reside in the memory of water(yeah right). Any comments?
Just that whilst I like to keep an open mind about things, it doesn't sound credible to me. I'd be more convinced if a legitimate blind test showed it worked.
No they haven't proved anything of the sort about bumble bees. At one time they simply didn't know enough to understand how they flew, but knowledge progresses.
Yes, a placebo is effective but I'm still not sure it should be available on the NHS... I have very mixed feelings towards this place
Well that's exactly what I mean by is it ethical China!
Oh the other hand if you're a GP and you've got someone with chronic pain from something like osteo-artaritis in front of you and you think they might respond to placebo
Of course placebo has powerful effects . Homeopathics would never work on me since I know them to be worthless chicanery , whllst the mysticals could benefit from the personal attention . Jake - I dont think you'd risk prosecution since you wouldn't be selling a controlled substance ! ( I think a bloke in my local has the same idea )
A dopehead neighbour of mine thought that my lupin seedlings were cannabis plants. Perhaps I should have sold him some (before they flowered) he may have enjoyed them.