"Hi bamberger- I bet, like others of our age, you did integration and volumes of revolution at 'O' level too but students don't touch calculus until A level now. However we didn't do any probability at O level, I'm sure, whereas it's taught much earlier now."
<falls over in a faint>
Ugh what, where am I ? Oh I recall. Good jest factor, like it. You'll be telling me next they spend all summer sipping pina colada in the playground.
I recall doing calculus and probabilities at 'O' level. Then some years later when I decide to become a mature student and go get a degree, Loughborough University had the damned cheek to reject me because my maths wouldn't be up to it, having taken no 'A' levels. I must have ended up at a better university as I had no problems where I went.