The point surely is, Naomi, that if the "God was an Astronaut" scenario was true, general observational and experimental science would uncover evidence to suggest that very scenario. I do not recognise this world of yours that you paint where, because the consensus view happens to be sceptical of a particular point ( like the the god is an astronaut scenario, for instance), that somehow the evidence or observation of phenomena is rejected or missed because of self-imposed blinkers imposed by scepticism. If there was a god- if god was an astronaut, there should be observational and experimental evidence out there to explain it, but none ever really seems to manifest, usually because some much more mundane reason can be employed.
I mean, if you can give any examples where some arcane practice/phenomenon/ evidence was originally wrongly attributed by scientists to a mundane naturalist/scientific explanation which was later proven to be wrong, in modern times, I would be very interested to hear about it.
For a phenomenon - like water dowsing, or ghosts, or a divine spark to create life, or a god is an astronaut scenario is being proposed,that phenomenon should be demonstrable and repeatable and even measurable. Predictions about the world should be made from such hypotheses that can be tested for. In every instance that I am aware of, the tests and predictions have failed at least one of those criteria of demonstrable, repeatable or measurable.
So, whilst such phenomena might, just might have occurred, as a consequence of psychic abilities, or a divine spark, or an alien visitation, or by some form of arcane law of physics as yet undiscovered,they remain within the province of speculation.