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Well, That's Me Convinced! :)

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LazyGun | 09:13 Thu 03rd Apr 2014 | Science
41 Answers
So it seems Noahs ark has received the physics seal of approval.

Timely story, given the release of the film.

Not sure though that whether or not the ark might have floated was the first concern when deciding whether the story as a whole was a factual retelling of actual events though.

I was curious about one point raised in the article though - the students based their calculations around a total of 70,000 animals - 2 of each from 35,000 species - anyone know where this notion of 35,000 species comes from?


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Physics, schmizics. The suggestion of willingly being confined within the same space as two skunks for forty seconds alone is all it takes to blow the myth entirely out of the water for me.
01:16 Fri 04th Apr 2014
OG, see my post at 10.28 this morning.
the zoologist i think it was, suggested that the amazing variation of feedstuffs for the animals alone would negate this - not to mention where they all pooped, i rather thought he had a point.
And what about all the creatures that eat live prey? Even more animals on board. I wonder how many insects were taken on the cruise to keep the bats fed, for example?
or ate each other because they ran out of food, and where did they store all the water.
Comment on Noah movie from the very jolly Jaclyn Glenn ...

i wondered if it was, no intention of seeing it, even for the delight of seeing Russell Crowe
Jayne, excellent! :o)
Jaclyn Glenn's YouTube posts are brilliant, naomi.

She has such a pop at American fundamentalist Christians.

(including her own parents)
Of course, some of us suspect that Naomi IS Jaclyn Glenn, lol.
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But the sceptics need to remember that the Ark was at all times cradled in God's loving hands. Whether it would have floated or not without that support is surely little more than a moot point. //

so why did they bother with the Ark?
Tsk, she seems to have forgotten that God was looking after them all, so none of these issues have any relevance.
// so why did they bother with the Ark? //

That is SUCH a good point !!

E. Sussex
emmie the poo isn't a problem, you shovel it over the side.
Or just a hole in the bottom of the Ark, like on Egyptian dive boats.
Lol, jj...:-)
One bothers with an Ark so Noah can feel useful and worthy of saving.
But Noah built a crappy one that couldn't take all the animals and needed to be helped out by God (again).
//Of course, some of us suspect that Naomi IS Jaclyn Glenn, lol. //

Drat! My cover is blown!
-- answer removed --
Oh thank God

I have been worrying about the historicity of it all ever since
someone pointed out the world's greatest feat of elasticity

incredibly in this lenten season

you will recollect that Jesus tied his ass to a tree and walked into Jerusalem.

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