Is There Something Beyond? in The AnswerBank: Science
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Is There Something Beyond?

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Colmc54 | 02:18 Thu 26th Jun 2014 | Science
95 Answers
I am a vet. Yesterday I had the horrible duty of putting down my own pet. Over the deacades of my workI have searched for the answer to my question by reading many scientific texts beyond my own specialisation. Most of them affirm the positive steps we humans have made in our understanding of the (at the quantum level) somewhat shaky understanding of reality.

It seems to come down to spacetime and the new discoveries of cosmic inflation after the big bang.

When I dug her grave and planted a rose tree over her corpse I asked myself what do we really know, except perhaps an ever-expanding awareness of our ignorance.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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No, sorry, In my opinion that is the end, no heaven, no hell. Just the end. I'm sure some others will tell you differently though.
I am unsure looking for answers to a spiritual question in a science arena is the right place given that science is about understanding the physical world we observe. In my life I've had experiences that suggest to me that there is more to existence than that, but one can not pass personal experience to another, they must seek their own. Ultimately each either finally finds the truth for themselves when they get to that point, or they aren't around to worry about it.
I think it is what you want it to be. I personally believe we and our pets live on in our memories and memories of those that loved us. Once there is no one left to remember us we are gone.
Like OG, personal experience suggests to me that existence doesn't end with death. I think the mistake we make is in categorising whatever happens as 'spiritual' and in relating it to religion. If we could get rid of airy fairy notions of the 'supernatural' and look at it from a more realistic viewpoint, we might get somewhere in attempting to discover - and hence to eventually understand - exactly what is going on. 'Science' is an excellent place for the question.
Colm I believe the spirit is immortal.
Naomi your opinion that existence doesnt end with death has changed since you wrote on another thread yesterday -
Nature dictates that our bodies will eventually cease to function and we will die - but none of us will know anything about it - we'll be dead.
Please explain
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If we continued after death, I'm sure we would know that by now. We have so much experience of humans and animals dying and yet still no reason to believe that we can continue afterwards. I can't see any realistic reason to believe we do, except wishful thinking. I haven't knowingly existed before i was born- it doesn't make any sense to believe i will after i die.
Col, that must have been hard for you. You have my deepest sympathies. For an example of what we don't know, have a look at this:
Pixie, how many Towns / Cities, Area's have you visited & thought to yourself, I've been here before?
None, TWR. I know where I've been and deja vu is a psychological phenomenon, not a spiritual one.
Pixie - if you want to read The Ghost of Flight 401. by John G Fuller. It is such an interesting read and more than one person who died in that flight was seen by and communicated with people after their death.
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Colm, I also wanted to say that I can relate to what you experienced yesterday. I only had one pet - a cat - when I was a child. I absolutely adored him and when was hit by a car and had to be put down I cried so much that I knew I could never put myself through that again. No more pets - ever.
Colmc, I’d like to add my condolences. Saying goodbye to beloved pets is never easy, and in your profession, all the harder for you I should imagine. I have three dogs, all very elderly. I know their time is short – and I’m dreading it.

Grasscarp, as far as we’re aware when living creatures die, they are dead, but I haven’t changed my mind – I’ve always said that since energy cannot be destroyed, something must remain after death. What form that takes, like everyone else I can only guess, but I doubt very much that death causes us to transform into an ethereal ‘clone’ of what we were in life – intellect and all - to be ‘spirited’ away to reside for eternity in a special place - as religion would have us believe. As just one species in a world of millions, we’re not that special. Odd things do happen - some sort of an imprint in space and time? - who knows? – but I’ve no doubt whatsoever that something very real is going on that will eventually be testable and accepted as a natural process.

I’ve just ordered The Ghost of Flight 401.
Yes, i agree with all of that, Naomi. The problem is where we hear observational anecdotes and because people can't provide their own explanation, they put it down to supernatural. It says far more about how the brain works than anything spiritual. As the famous sqad says, "commonest things occur commonest" and similarly, the most obvious explanations are most often correct- particularly in the absence of contrary evidence.
Humans are fallible and misinterpret their senses regularly.
Naomi, thank you so much for elaborating. Also I know you will enjoy the book. It is fascinating and well written.
Sorry, colm. Very sorry for your loss. I've just realised it was your own pet. I was devastated having one of my dogs euthanised last year. My condolences x
Colm, I have lost many beloved friends, family and pets and have come to the conclusion that having a traumatic experience doesn't change reality, just our perception of it...,
Thanks, grasscarp, i will read it, although i am interpreting your words as "more than one relative believed a deceased person communicated with them". Which is entirely different. I will read the book, however.
It seems odd to say in one breath "who knows?" and then in the very next to say that you have "no doubt whatsoever"...

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