News2 mins ago
Greenwich Time
18 Answers
If it is 15.00hrs in Greenwich what time would it have been traditionally in Oxford.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help.
1455: https:// en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Railway_ time
22:12 Fri 16th Oct 2015
Just a thought:
If the quiz-setter is being particularly pedantic, the correct answer won't be '1455' but '2.55pm'. That's because the 24-hour clock wasn't in use in Britain until the First World War (when the Royal Navy adopted it) and it wasn't used in railway timetables until 1964. (There are still a few local bus companies that publish timetables using the 12-hour clock).
So, if the word 'traditionally' in the question is all-important, the answer should use the 12-hour clock, not the 24-hour one. (I'd play safe and fill in the answer as "2.55pm (1455)"; that way, all of the options are covered!)
If the quiz-setter is being particularly pedantic, the correct answer won't be '1455' but '2.55pm'. That's because the 24-hour clock wasn't in use in Britain until the First World War (when the Royal Navy adopted it) and it wasn't used in railway timetables until 1964. (There are still a few local bus companies that publish timetables using the 12-hour clock).
So, if the word 'traditionally' in the question is all-important, the answer should use the 12-hour clock, not the 24-hour one. (I'd play safe and fill in the answer as "2.55pm (1455)"; that way, all of the options are covered!)
The Navy didn't come up with the idea, Retrocop. It had been around for ages. For example, this clock, at Greenwich, dates from 1852:
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Sheph erd_Gat e_Clock #/media /File:G reenwic h_clock _1-mani pulated .jpg
but this one, in Prague, has been there since 1410!
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Pragu e_astro nomical _clock# /media/ File:As tronomi cal_Clo ck_%288 3418998 28%29.j pg
but this one, in Prague, has been there since 1410!