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Why in jewllery making does the carrat no. go 9, 18 then 22??

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oceanauk | 12:01 Mon 26th Sep 2005 | Science
8 Answers

What happens after 22 crt - is there a higher no.?  Many thanks



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24 (pure gold) is the maximum but it can't be used because pure gold is not solid enough
24 carat gold is too soft for jewellery
Question Author
Oh ok thanks - does that mean that 22 is soft?  I'm a bit confused - is 9 better than cos it's harder??  Cheers!
I suppose the main reason to buy 9ct would be: because it's cheaper.
18ct is quite common I guess...
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Thanks EDDIE51 that makes it much clearer!  If gold bullion is 24crt though, how come in films you see brick shaped bars of gold being moved around as if they're really solid - because if it's that soft, how is it moved around safely without damage?? ooo so many questions!! many thanks to all!!
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Thank you so much for putting it all into laymen's terms for me!  ;)

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Why in jewllery making does the carrat no. go 9, 18 then 22??

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