News0 min ago
Life Expectancy
I just heard on the news that life expectancy in England has risen to its highest level ever. The newsreader said that a man now aged 65 could now expect to live to 84. What does this mean? Does it mean 50% of English men can expect to live to 84 (and beyond)? Or more like 95% of English men can expect to live to 84 and beyond?
And how do they arrive at this figure? Almost everyone who was born in 1916 is dead now, so they can work out the total life expectancy of someone born in 1916. Add all the ages at death of a sample of people born in 1916 together and divide by the number of people in the sample. But how do you do that for a sample of people born in 1951, as they are not all dead yet?
And how do they arrive at this figure? Almost everyone who was born in 1916 is dead now, so they can work out the total life expectancy of someone born in 1916. Add all the ages at death of a sample of people born in 1916 together and divide by the number of people in the sample. But how do you do that for a sample of people born in 1951, as they are not all dead yet?
oh http://www.w s/whostat200 6Definitions AndMetadata. pdf says it is an AVERAGE number of years expected ( remember an average did not the half way point - 50% do and 50% dont that is called a median = very common error ) average is balanced - if you have a dataset 1,2,3,4,1000 - th average is add em all up and divide by 5 which is around 202 and you wil...
17:18 Sun 14th Feb 2016
It's true; I'm proof. I've never lived as long as this before !
Expectation is just that; expectation. No guarantees or we'd all be living forever.
I interpreted it as being that if you reach age xx then the majority go on to reach age yy
What it definitely means is more stats for those who wish to abuse the working population into working for longer before they get the pension they were promised years previously. More excuse for pension schemes to pay less and fail to cover needs which then will be paid for by the workers who are forced to work longer than agreed (or maybe insist on even more onerous payments in).
Expectation is just that; expectation. No guarantees or we'd all be living forever.
I interpreted it as being that if you reach age xx then the majority go on to reach age yy
What it definitely means is more stats for those who wish to abuse the working population into working for longer before they get the pension they were promised years previously. More excuse for pension schemes to pay less and fail to cover needs which then will be paid for by the workers who are forced to work longer than agreed (or maybe insist on even more onerous payments in).
As I've mentioned in past threads ff: there is a bill to society for keeping folk who aren't in work regardless whether it's labelled pension or some other welfare title. It's not an extra cost but simply a change of budget. In fact pensioning folk off earlier and getting younger folk into work instead should be beneficial, because pensions are supposed to cover the living costs of one individual, whereas a younger person could well be claiming for a whole family, when employed they support them from their salary. For sure longer lives mean more cost but that's not optional, barring Logan's Run law.
I expect the '65' was mentioned to indicate that this only represents the men in that age group, as opposed to men of all ages. This is only an average as many will die earlier or later. The life expectancy of men who are 20 now, will be much longer as these now grow up in an more nutritiously informed and medically advanced Society.
They arrive at these figures by calculating the average, often ignoring the extremes. The present % of 65yo man now, is most likely to be in much better health than the 65yos were 50 years ago, so will be expected to live much longer.
They arrive at these figures by calculating the average, often ignoring the extremes. The present % of 65yo man now, is most likely to be in much better health than the 65yos were 50 years ago, so will be expected to live much longer.
Good quiz here
http:// www.qui zrocket .com/wh en-will -i-die
It says I have 28 years left and will die at age 93.You can change details like where you live and see the effect on your life expectancy.
It says I have 28 years left and will die at age 93.You can change details like where you live and see the effect on your life expectancy.
Sorry that gave the wrong link do not see how it happened, here is the correct one
http:// oquiz.c om/spec ial/whe n_will_ i_die.h tml
yes, baby boomers grew up with a good diet. Our parents grew up in the depression and didn't fare so well (several fo my father's family had TB and a couple died). Our children have grown with a dodgier diet (more sugar and junk food); on the other hand, you're more likely to see them in the gym or jogging so many actually take more care of their health.
Wildwood: "They arrive at these figures by calculating the average, often ignoring the extremes. The present % of 65yo man now, is most likely to be in much better health than the 65yos were 50 years ago, so will be expected to live much longer." Very true, but they have put a number to it - 19 years. Not just "[they] will be expected to live longer." I'm trying to find out how they can arrive at a figure now, when all they can know is that X% of the people born in England 1949 (the prediction is based on 2014 data, I believe) had died by 2014. And how can we interpret the changes that immigration must have made to the calculation?
//... and the next week, you read that this generation is the first generation that will die at a younger age than their parents.//
I dont know where the poster has got this from
you can paraphrase this as:
and the next week you read some right ***.....
Life insurane is the invention of the late 1650s to 1700
and the first person paid to calculate life tables ( expectancy )
was ..... Isaac Newton .....
I wwill see what the interent says
I dont know where the poster has got this from
you can paraphrase this as:
and the next week you read some right ***.....
Life insurane is the invention of the late 1650s to 1700
and the first person paid to calculate life tables ( expectancy )
was ..... Isaac Newton .....
I wwill see what the interent says