Italy - Motorway Bridge Collapse in The AnswerBank: News
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Italy - Motorway Bridge Collapse

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sunny-dave | 12:52 Tue 14th Aug 2018 | News
15 Answers

Looks awful - my experience of Italian Motorways is that they are badly maintained (rusting Armco, wonky carriageways and potholes everywhere) - you do wonder who had the contract for building and maintaining this bridge ... and how they got it?


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Its terrible so heartbreaking, I believe there was a similiar incident in America recently where it had just been thrown together.
Thats a big collapse. Be interesting to see what failed in the structure as there seem to be many bridges of this type.

Thoughts go to the families of the 11 dead of course.
grim, the last count I heard being 11 dead...and probably this is well short of the final number.
That's dreadful, surely those numbers will rise - poor souls.
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Yes - sorry - I should have extended condolences before my idle speculation. It does look like the current count of 11 is likely to grow quite significantly. Dreadful.
That's awful, expect death toll will go up they won't even know how many vehicles were on that section yet unless they had cctv.
Imagine the feeling if you were the last vehicle over on either carriageway....
looks awful...poor folks
This bridge was apparently built in the late 1960s. Heavy rain at the time of collapse . The main part to give way was over the river. Yet another sad and tragic event.
How dreadful, it must have been so frightening.

My thoughts are with everyone concerned & can only hope that the death toll doesn't rise drastically.
22 now - simply shocking
This sort of thing is not unknown in Italy. There was a collapse a couple of years back
While UK motorway bridges might be in better condition than those in Italy, many other road bridges here could well be in an equally poor state.

From our local rag in March of this year:
Italy has a huge number of raised motorways, bridges and viaducts. Maybe that just means there is more likelihood of ‘incidents’

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