News1 min ago
Nothing Before The Bing Bang
The big bang was the start of everything , so we have been told
Except for dark matter
https:/ /news-s ky-com. cdn.amp project .org/v/ s/news. /story/ amp/dar k-matte r-could -predat e-the-b ig-bang -study- suggest s-11779 892?amp _js_v=a 2&a mp_gsa= 1#refer rer=htt ps%3A%2 F%2Fwww .google .com&am p;amp_t f=From% 20%251% 24s& ;ampsha re=http s%3A%2F %2Fnews m%2Fsto ry%2Fda rk-matt er-coul d-preda te-the- big-ban g-study -sugges ts-1177 9892
Except for dark matter
Theland - I was on the way to the market today with my family's cow and managed to swap it for some magic beans. I haven't used them yet - do you want them?
I know I shouldn't mock, but you make it very difficult to not do so.
I am constantly amazed the way the permantly deluded believe in a magic man in the sky.
I know I shouldn't mock, but you make it very difficult to not do so.
I am constantly amazed the way the permantly deluded believe in a magic man in the sky.
Nothing is impossible to test, og.
Some things we prove with science, so we know.. At least until proved otherwise. Science doesn't pretend to know everything. It can rule out some things, yes, but keeps looking until there is a definite answer.
Faith is purely what people like to believe- in spite of truth.
Some things we prove with science, so we know.. At least until proved otherwise. Science doesn't pretend to know everything. It can rule out some things, yes, but keeps looking until there is a definite answer.
Faith is purely what people like to believe- in spite of truth.
Jim, I am sure you are a great scientist- I wouldn't know, as I am not one. But I have also seen your posts on different subjects... eg transexualism and Brexit, where I can clearly see you go with what you prefer over what you actually know.
I'm sure you aren't worried about it and certainly shouldn't be, but I have less faith in your scientific posts now as well and although I am not a scientist... I no longer believe everything you say about it either. I very much doubt you care! Xx
I'm sure you aren't worried about it and certainly shouldn't be, but I have less faith in your scientific posts now as well and although I am not a scientist... I no longer believe everything you say about it either. I very much doubt you care! Xx
Hmm. The first thing is that I do care, perhaps more than I should, about what you think of me. So you're already wrong there. That I'm even bothering to post should prove that.
As to the rest -- I have no desire to drag Brexit, or any other issue unrelated to the OP, into this, but as far as I'm concerned on both matters I consider solid evidence (for and against my point) and do my best to present it fairly. No doubt I come up short from time to time, but who doesn't? Are you sure, therefore, that your own judgement of my posts isn't influenced by what *you* prefer? I can source them more if you'd like, but in each case I'm not making stuff up and it's carefully considered.
My scientific posts can be judged on their own merits. I'll do my best to correct errors I've made in the past, and believe me they are many. But I'm sad that you seem
As to the rest -- I have no desire to drag Brexit, or any other issue unrelated to the OP, into this, but as far as I'm concerned on both matters I consider solid evidence (for and against my point) and do my best to present it fairly. No doubt I come up short from time to time, but who doesn't? Are you sure, therefore, that your own judgement of my posts isn't influenced by what *you* prefer? I can source them more if you'd like, but in each case I'm not making stuff up and it's carefully considered.
My scientific posts can be judged on their own merits. I'll do my best to correct errors I've made in the past, and believe me they are many. But I'm sad that you seem
It's I'm that you seem to have so completely lost, for want of a better word, "faith" in my judgement on one issue that you've lost faith in everything else I write (and then take the time to tell everybody else about it).
As to the idea of scientific dogma. It's true but only up to a point. The dogma is at least partly based on what works and what is producing results and new discoveries. So it's not completely unreasonable to follow fruitful lines of enquiry as far as they will go. Moreover the dogma can also be helpful to progress -- ideas that survive the rigours of dogma are clearly good ones; those that do not tend to fail on reasonable grounds, ie not matching with present observation or experiment.
As to the idea of scientific dogma. It's true but only up to a point. The dogma is at least partly based on what works and what is producing results and new discoveries. So it's not completely unreasonable to follow fruitful lines of enquiry as far as they will go. Moreover the dogma can also be helpful to progress -- ideas that survive the rigours of dogma are clearly good ones; those that do not tend to fail on reasonable grounds, ie not matching with present observation or experiment.
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