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Parallel Universes

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piggynose | 19:50 Sat 25th Mar 2023 | Science
39 Answers
do they exist or is this science fiction?


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From a reputable website: Summary of a 2002 BBC programme on the subject: The programme can be watched in full here:
21:29 Sat 25th Mar 2023
piggy; judging your video by its cover I would say it's probably a load of tosh cobbled together from some genuine scientific ideas or speculations. Have you watched it? If so, what did you make of it?
My guess would be that this stuff is not established as 'real'.
Maybe someone with more knowledge could give you another view.
I'll try to watch it later tonight. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I've had a quick look and it's what I expected, just a bit of fun (I hope it doesn't get serious later on).
Can be fun to give you ideas and curiosity about what the world is really like, but not to be taken too seriously.
the possibility does seem to be taken seriously but no actual evidence so far

Someone like ClareTGold could give you a mare authoritative answer, I expect
jno...: Neigh!
There are many different definitions of parallel universes if you investigate. IMO the phrase is sometimes misused since some relate to different yet far separated parts of a single universe.

I'll check the video in a bit, but I don't think it unreasonable to speculate on a reality where time is an emergent illusion and every situation that can possibly be conceived exists in some sense (even if just as a probability). So in many parts of reality the cup is cracked, while in many others it is whole, and more still where it doesn't exist.

The trouble is it is very difficult to test such ideas and get evidence, so whether true or not, it remains conjecture, and maybe always will.
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Atheist, yes i have watched it. What i thought of it? well it was well presented, some interesting stories, do i believe there are parallel universes? I would need more proof!
As OG has said, I don't think evidence would be easy to come by.
From a reputable website:

Summary of a 2002 BBC programme on the subject:

The programme can be watched in full here:
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Seeing that not many people were interested, i thought it was only fair to award BC the BA.
No one can answer this - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't speculate.
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So what's yr opinion Naomi?
A couple of remarks
1 He refers to an infinity of universes, but this doesn't follow from postulating a splitting of the universe every time something happens at sub atomic level. Sure, there would be an awful lot of them, but infinity? No.
2 The idea of multiple universes seems to me to be a hugely complicated way of explaining current unknowns about the universe.
3 There seems to be a tinfoil hat on top of the goldfish bowl. And the fish seems to be talking. It would be interesting to have a piscine lip-reader's opinion. Could the fish be really the one that's talking and the man miming?
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Atheist, i have to admit If this man wants to be taking seriously don't have a talking fish in the video!!!
I'm sure he was aware of it; it was just his little joke.
"Sure, there would be an awful lot of them, but infinity? No."
Maybe, maybe not. Was the Big Bang the start of the universe or merely a local event in an infinite preexisting universe ? Could have had infinite time & space to have infinite universe states. And while splitting is part of the initial many worlds theory, I suspect the inability to describe how that occurs, and where the energy to do it comes from, possibly makes an 'already infinite states, no splitting needed', one more likely.
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Hopefully ClareTGold will be along shortly.
If there are infinite universes, there must be at least one where the research has determined there isn't an infinite number.

How would we know if we were in that universe or no?
TCL. there would be an infinite number of each of the infinite identical universes.
That's why it doesn't make sense to me. The whole idea collapses under its own weight.
Why would each be identical?
I'm glad people care about what I have to say on this, but you might have to wait a bit longer :P

Also, although I haven't checked them thoroughly myself, I'd imagine that there's little I could add to Buenchico's links. All I'd stress is that "Parallel universes" covers all manner of separate ideas.

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