Is My Neighbour Right?? in The AnswerBank: Science
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Is My Neighbour Right??

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kuiperbelt | 06:47 Fri 30th Jun 2023 | Science
14 Answers
If you put one grain of rice on the first square of a chess board, then 2 grains on the second square, 4 grains on the third, 8 grains on the fourth and so on, until the 64th square, my neighbour reckons there would be 9.223372 x 10^18 grains of rice on the last square.

Is he right though? I calculate 2^64 (2 raised to the power of 64) equals 18.446744 x 10^18. Is my calculation right. I am not wrong, am I??
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// Is my calculation right. I am not wrong, am I?? // A little program which should help . Click on the link below; https://zebusanctuary.github.io/ZebuSanctuary/ :-)
11:54 Fri 30th Jun 2023
2^0 =1 so the first square is cell 0

the last square is cell 63, so 2^63 grains on it = 9.22etc
Yes as bhg said your wrong. You'd be right if you'd put 2 on the first square but you din't you only out one.... and you only double up 63 time's
Now how many would there be in total
I think I know but thought kuiperbely might want to have ago
Kuiperbely? What you trying to say?
I think bobb has failed to notice that T is next to Y on the keyboard.
I think bobb has got fat fingers and a tiny phone keypad too small even for a child
// Is my calculation right. I am not wrong, am I?? //

A little program which should help . Click on the link below;


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Thankyou bhg and bobbin!!
Not only am I a nit, I've now got to tell my neighbour I'm a nit. LOL

Zebu\little program which should help\
What can I say, other than BA!!

BTW, can you make it count more quickly. Say one tenth of a second??
// make it count more quickly. Say one tenth of a second? //

Here goes...

Additionally the count includes 334 squares.

This takes the number of grains to 1.7 googol on the last square.
Just tell your neighbour you thought he wanted to know how many grains of rice would be on the entire chess board.
Question Author
\how many grains of rice would be on the entire chess board\
Thanx for the advice vulcan, unfortunately my answer would still be wrong by one :-( LOL

>08.24 Superb!!
so neighbor was closer but still short by
Happy stacking. This square of rice would reach beyond the Sun.

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