There are Monatomic Elements other than gases. The metals.
Reported Benefits Include:
Enhanced mental clarity and focus
Positive emotions and greater sense of inner peace
Increased intuitive powers and sixth sense stimulation
Greater insights into self and life situations
Ability to deal with stressful situations from a higher perspective
Deeper prayer and meditative states
Enhanced and/or lucid dreams
Accelerated manifesting and serendiptiy
Greater creativity
Right/Left brain balance
Feelings of expansion and access to higher Universal knowledge
I have no first hand knowledge of this, but have read. The following are a list of sites that give spiritual and scientific explainations. better late than never.
There are a few tostart. This is new and open to debate on many levels. But the information is yours to explore. Take lines in the texts you read on the sites listed. Explore the science and the faith based words. What can it hurt.