Animals & Nature in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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peanut | 22:55 Wed 29th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
33 Answers
Ed, At least twice in the last two weeks I have seen some very unnessesary not to mention disturbing responses to some posts in the Animals & Nature category. See here and here . An occasional joke is one thing but suggesting that an animal be abused is going too far. This website and the people who use it are awesome and give some very helpful advice. The last thing i want is to get anyone " banned " but I shouldnt have to not visit this site to avoid seeing those responses. Its obvious that I happen to love animals and Its a known fact that alot of thier behavior is in thier nature, they dont do it on purpose to see how mad we get. If these people dont like certain animals, they have no reason to even read the questions reguarding them.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Hi peanut, just try to laugh it off if you can. I'm also an animal lover, I think alot of it is tounge in cheek.
As a devoted cat owner and animal lover myself,I can understand peanut's concerns,..but..I also think..and believe (I hope!!) that a lot of those posts are not really to be taken seriously?...Try a bit of less inflamatory posting though folks! You wouldn't do it if human problems were an issue.
It might be tongue in cheek but I still find some of these posts over the top - perhaps because so many people do abuse animals and do act in the ways suggested by the posters concerned. Why not just give sensible answers or don't answer at all. Suggesting animal abuse, even if in jest, is just not humourous.
Oh dear ..I hope I haven't offended you peanut. . I don't deliberately send Shaney after cats !! But they are wary of him and the minute they see him they run off. He will run after them if I don't stop him but he is not quick enough to catch them. I would never hurt an animal .

I read those posts too peanut & was also amazed at the lengths some people will go to, to try to be 'comical' or shock other's.

As gessoo has said - if you can't reply with a sensible answer, then don't bother at all.

You are not impressing anyone!

I think anyone whose going to abuse animals certainly isn't only going to do so because someone made a tasteless joke on answerbank. They are obviously just tongu in cheek remarks and need to be taken as such.

We have four cats and I love em to death but I'm not going to worry myself sick because someone jokingly suggests poisoned sausages. If anyone's going to have poisoned a cat they will have already done so they won't wait for the green light from us.

But this is a family site noxlumos & whether it's meant as tongue in cheek or not, to suggest using a 12 bore shot gun to shoot someone's pet isn't very sensible is it?

Noxlumus, I don't think anyone will be influenced by the posts in question. That isn't my worry. I think plenty of people will be upset by them. They don't upset me particularly but I find them unnecessary. Some of them, like Shaney's were a laugh, but there are a couple which have gone beyond a joke.

noxlumus - Adding to my last post, I don't think anyone would be influenced by thses posts either, but feel that they are unnecessary & maybe upsetting for some people (not particularly me), including childen that use this site.

I did't for one moment class shaneystar's comments about her dog, as in the same category as the ones suggesting poisoned sausages or using a 12 bore shot gun! Most dogs & cats like to chase each other -it's nature!

Have a lovely afternoon!

one of those comments was followed by sensible suggestion of carpet grip on fence, so it was just toungue in cheek, with a sensible answer to follow. I'm sorry that some of you took offence (not that I have anything to be sorry for-it wasn't me that said it) but I don't think these posts cause any harm.
-- answer removed --

Nobody is moaning dilf. We are just posting an opinion. The only moaning being done is by you moaning about other people moaning.

This is what you call moaning dilf!

Ah, this is cute!

thanks smudge sorry for moaning

I dont hear anyone complaining on those posts about dog sh!t left on pavements.I live in a very dimly lit street and I have stepped in on more occasions than I care to remember - trainers in the wash carpets getting cleaned between boking sessions in the toilet.There was a dog who had obviously marked his terroritary on my drying bit at the back of the garden.The crystals worked.Caught the owner and told them in no uncertain terms I would follow them home with the **** when they least expected it and see how they felt stepping out their door to that on their shoes.The dog has never been back.Cats have a roving commission but at least they bury it.I appreciate its annoying but there are ways and means round it without resorting to the replies given.I realise they were given in jest but how do you know who is reading the posts and taking them seriously.You have to watch - a lot of nutters out there!

Whilst I appreciate it's a family site etc etc etc, and I understand some people's sensibilities especially regarding little furry creatures are easily offended, you could say the same about literally any subject posted on answerbank. I personally find scores of postings really offensive on a huge variety of topics, some said seriously, some said jokingly. I just try not to let it bother me as if I object I will be trying to force people to behave in a way which I find personally acceptable and which negates their rights to post what they wish to here which is not the point of this site.

I'm sorry if smeone is genuinely terribly, terribly upset by some of these silly answers, but in the big scheme of things this is just not important enough to curtail someone's rights to post, just because a few individuals don't like it.

You're right nox - I shouldnt have posted I have far more important things to deal with.I just hate dogs dirt trailed through my house:)BTW - I know that wasnt directed at moi just took time out to think.Too much time on this bleeding thing cos of constant emails at the moment.

Hows Mrs Nox?

Hi Drisgirl :) Mrs Nox is still resembling a small blue whale at the moment, she's always late for everything.lol

I'll let you know as soon as soon as anything happens, it's bound to be tomorrow because we're moving house!We organise things so well...... NOT.

Apologies peanut for the slight hijack of your thread:)

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