Bleeding between periods update. in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Bleeding between periods update.

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kazzianne | 04:47 Wed 19th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Hiya - an update to my post a few days ago.After bleeding after sex the other day I left it 2 days then yesterday morning we played doctors and nurses again! I didnt bleed this time but got dreadful stomach pains afterwards,like the worst period pains evr,and spent all day and night with a hot water bottle and painkillers.And even now in still in pain but not quite as bad.Period still not due for 2 wks so could ovulating be this painful??
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Just a thought, but have you done a pregnancy test?
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No,I did one 2 months ago coz I was a bit late but that was negative - and it wud be a miracle anyway - i was sterlilsed 7 yrs ago,then wanted another baby so had it reversed but that failed.In the end I had IVF and that worked 1st time and I had my son who is now 6.

Kazzi have you been to the GP about this?

Is there a posibility you could have Endometriosis.... have a look at this website see if the symptoms fit! For your sake I hope it isn't but I thought it might be worth taking a look.


Or possibly fibroids? Best to go and see your gp.

Sorry, I just know that when i was pregnant i had cervical pains after sex which were similar to a period pain.

If you arent pregnant then i suggest that you speak to your GP. Ive had mid cycle bleeds with the combined pill but I assume if sterilised that you probably arent taking them.

It is possible that its just ovulation, I have heard of women experiencing pain at ovulation time. I have done in the past but short term dull ache for about half an hour.

Or even chronic constipation - which I'm told is no laughing matter!!!
This is exactly how I was two years ago, bleeding during and after sex then having the worse stomach pains ever. I was referred to a specialist and they couldn't find anything wrong with me after i had an ultra sound scan, so I had to have keyhole surgery amd they found i had Endometriosis. They lasered it off (it was on my bladder) but i was told that it can come back. I now have to continuously take the pill for 3 months without a break to control it, I have been fine since, U should definitely get checked out.
Lore that's strange, just seen your reply now! It is a horrible thing but it really does sound like it could be Endometriosis.
My thoughts are a bit disjointed this morning, if you have had previous operations, you could be having pain from adhesions (scar tissue).

hehe it's ok Casey!

it does ring alarm bells tho doesn't it? especially with it being linked to infertility which I messed up on because when I read Kazzi's post again I realised why she had IVF - Sorry to talk about you like you're not here Kazzi!

please get it checked soon tho Kazzi.

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Hello to you all again! Well to give a bit more detail - apart from the reversal,ehich apparently failed because when they took the clips off my tubes they didnt pop back open which was what we hoped,I havent had any surgery.My periods have always been no more than 3 days,and although not perfectly regular they are every month generally.Admittedly the last 3 or 4 seem to have been heavier though now I think about it.I dont use contraception at all as I thought it would be impossible to get pregnant,and im 38 now.I still have this pain even as we speak and I feel very very sick.And it hurtd to press my tummy but that could be because I feel bloated.
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excuse diabolical spelling!!
Hi Kazzi......I have just been told I have fibroids....long story...had an ectopic 8 weeks ago and had almost continuous bleeding afterwards with no explanation.I was eventually told I had fibroids...they showed on the scan which diagnosed my ep.Now I think about the past few months...a couple of times after sex I had chronic pains and some bleeding so I have now pinpointed this to the fibroids.The symptoms are bleeding between periods which I have never had.They appear as you get into 'middle years!!!!' I am also coming up to 38 so I assume this is about the right age...same as you right? They are caused by an increase in oestrogen,50% of women have them and normally they cause no problems and you never know. They have caused me to bleed a lot because I have been pregnant and they get larger with the increased uterus size.Sorry to ramble but thought this may help you.Take care and hope you start to feel a little better.Check it out with GP.XXX
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Hi Barb - yes I am gona have to go the the doctors today I think.Yesterday I went shopping and it hurt moe to even walk to the point I was leaning on the trolley and it hurts my tummy if I sit down to quickly - as though I am bruised inside.Cant really explain it - just know that I feel very down now,and not getting a scrap of sympathy from partner - he has just announced that he has invited his parents to stay for the weekend- just what I need feeling like this! He hasnt once asked me how I feel,even when he blatantly heard me throwing up in the bathroom.
How are now? Have you visited the doc? Hope you are feeling better.
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awww,thankyou for that! Funnily enough my period started this morning! Exactly on time.But the pain mid cycle was so that if I have it again next month I will go and see my doctor straight away.x

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