It seems like tomorrow, at 11:39:13 GMT, if at least 600,000,000 people jump in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth will go into a new, and "better" orbit. Can/will this really happen.
The gravitational attraction between 600,000,000 people temporarily suspended in air and the Earth would precisely counteract their efforts. However, if we all managed to jump hard enough to land on the Sun this might have an impact on global warming.
imagine a square. someone runs into it from the left and someone does the same from the right. what would happen? nothing. i doubt that you could get 600 million willing participants in one area on the planet. but even if you could that would be inconsequential. people make up a tiny proportoin of the earths mass and the added weight of our jumping would be negligable. should be called 'world sandwich growing day'
what's wrong with world sandwich growing day? I fully expect a sandwich tree to start growing down the field. The sandwich was already growing when I threw it out the window. Just got to wait for the tree to grow to find out what sort it was