"How can we of evolved eyes if we didnt know there was anything to see, and teeth if we didnt know there was anything to chew."
I think you're thinking about it the wrong way round. Suppose that these early lifeforms of some sort didn't have eyes, and just scavenged the ground for food, without knowing where to look for the good food. Now suppose the most nutritious food is bright yellow, and the rest is red. Now, suppose that one animal in this species has a genetic mutation and has some very crude light-sensitive cells, like very early eyes. They could tell the good food from the bad stuff, and so are more likely to survive than the others. This can go on and on, and the same applies to everything else. You don't need to know that there's anything else to see, it just happens that there is once you have the ability to see.
Good video on the evolution of eyes.