Kempie, don't confuse the issue.
Anyway it depends where you come from. I suspect it may still depend on where you are. Bristol used to be 210V.
Its obvious the standard mains supply in the question was your old one, viz. 240V. No school question really expects you to divide 24 by 23. Its not cricket and cannot be done on one's fingers.
So the answer is the simplest number between 240/210 and 240/250, = 1.0000000 amps , or 1amp.
Tha-Flash, think of a jet of water.
The rate of flow (current) times the pressure (voltage) is the rate of working (rate of power production/consumption, eg. watts) it can achieve. (eg. if using the jet of water, directed horizontally at a water-wheel to turn it.).
So Power = (a constant) x current x voltage.
If the current is specified in amps, the voltage in Volts and the Power in Watts, it just so happens that the (a constant) in the above equation = 1, which is mightily convenient, I hope you'll agree.
And hence, dividing both sides by Volts, we get
Amps = Watts/Volts