maths i hate algebra!!! in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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maths i hate algebra!!!

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befuzzled!! | 17:45 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | How it Works
4 Answers
i have a problem i have to rearrage the formula to make P the subject but it isn't working!!! someone please answer this question and show the workings ahhhh!
A 1
-- = ----
P 1+P

A over P equals 1 over 1+P

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Think I've got this right!!

a/p = 1/(1+p)
multiply by p and (1+p)

=> a + ap =p

take p from both sides

=> a +ap - p =0

div by p

=> a/p + a -1 = 0

add 1 and take a from both sides

=> a/p =1 - a

multiply by p

=> a = (1-a)p

div by 1-a

=> a/(1-a) = p

Can someone please check my workings!!!
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i'm gonna ask my maths teacher he'll explain
An excellent answer,sddsddean! Every step you took is very clearly explained.
If I had been doing it I would have cross-multiplied initially.
a/p=1/1+p becomes
ap-p =-a
Take out the common factor 'p'
Divide by (a-1)
p= -a/(a-1) which is equivalent to p= a/1-a.
-- answer removed --

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maths i hate algebra!!!

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