How to calculate a day of the week from a given date (Zeller's Law):
F = k + [(13 x m-1)/5] + D + [D/4] + [C/4] - 2 x C
k is the day of the month.
m is the month number. Months have to be counted specially: March is 1, April is 2, and so on to February, which is 12 (this makes the formula simpler, because on leap years February 29 is counted as the last day of the year). Because of this rule, January and February are always counted as the 11th and 12th months of the previous year.
D is the last two digits of the year - bear in mind that Jan and Feb have to be counted as the previous year.
C stands for century: it's the first two digits of the year.
Now, I'm not saying I could do it, but it's not that difficult either. Just need to remember your 13 times table.
Going back to the question, there are people who can do extraordinarily complex mathmatics in their head, but they're often autistic, and may not possess highly developed social skills in other areas.
This chap is someone who is not only a savant, but also high functioning to boot: n?comment_offset=541