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Moon in daytime

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fredpuli47 | 21:24 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | Science
3 Answers
Today the moon was clearly visible in a clear sky in early afternoon. What conditions are necessary for this phenomenon to occur?


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A waxing 1st quarter moon rises in the east around 9am and is highest mid-afternoon

A waxing half moon rises in the east around noon and is highest around sunset.

A waxing 3-quarter moon rises in the east mid-afternoon.

A full moon rises at sunset.

total lunar eclipse thursday morning

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The earlier waning phases following the Last Half Moon are also sometimes visible in the early afternoon before the Moon sets in the West although these become increasingly difficult to see with the bright Sun closing in on the Moon in the final phases before a New Moon.

The Moon is typically more visible in the day when it is nearly full and so closer to the opposite horizon and further from the Sun.

moon rise set times 2008

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Moon in daytime

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