I saw a map which showed what kind of water you have, it may have been on the united utilities web site or a school text book. sorry thats not much help is it, try a google search for your area.
I know we have soft water in Manchester!
try washing your hands - Soft water lots of bubbles. Hard water less bubbles. I live in Essex and I have been told that 3 valleys water is the hardest in the country.
have a look at the heating element inside your kettle. If the element is bright and shiny then you have soft water, if its covered with a white chalky material then you have hard water
The last answer depends on the age of your kettle. If you live in a soft water area but have been boiling water for a couple a years. The heating element will still have a build up of Ca and K ions and so will have a white covering. The lathering with soap test is more reliable.