That linked page won't open for me but instinct tells me that a fixed formula like the one quoted will only be true for a single medium.
Are you talking aqueous solutions here? or gases? or alloys? or rocks etc? Surely there will be a different formula for each or at least one that takes into account the molecular weight and density of the surrounding medium.
It would also depend on temp and pressure as both would effect density's
it's not an entirely fixed formula as it does include molecular weight in it, but yes probably loads of other variables. could/would effect the outcome
You are OK funnytroll, the formula given IS for gases.
The number 24.45 in the equations above is the volume (liters) of a mole (gram molecular weight) of a gas or vapour when the pressure is at 1 atmosphere (760 torr or 760 mm Hg) and at 25�C.
That number would have to be changed to allow you to apply the formula to liquids or solids.