Beef steak in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Beef steak

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Im a BusyBee | 11:26 Wed 13th Aug 2008 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Ive taken some steak out of the freezer which i was going to cook with a jar of curry sauce tonight. Ive just checked and i dont actually have a jar though.....do you think it would taste ok in uncle bens sweet n sour sauce?? or i do have curry powder and coconut milk (which i have never used before so i would need a recipe please) - think i would rather make a 'homemade' curry if someone could help me with a recipe please?
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You could have a beef stir fry. Cut the beef into strips and fry with a selection of vegs all chopped up.
Add the sauce and serve with rice or thread noodles.
found this one for you looks pretty easy


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