Well not really.
Dark matter has been known about for at least 20-30 years. Basically the matter we can see is only a small fraction of the matter needed to generate the gravitational force that we observe.
So we knoe there's a lot of stuff we can't see which is the "dark matter".
One possibility touted around for a few years was the possibility that neutrinos (thought masless) have a really really tiny mass. These particles are given off every time a photon is created in a star so you can see there's a lot of them! - We now know that they do have a mass although at the moment it's smaller than we can measure.
Another possibility is WIMPS or weakly interacting massive particles kind of like neutrinos but nobody's ever discoverred one. MACHOs are the more proseic possibility (Massive astrophisical compact halo objects) burnt out stars, black holes stuff like that.
So it's not so much that the dark matter is being stretched as that it may be becoming less densly populated like gas in an expanding piston. But that depends on where there is a set amount or not