You have to be careful of what you are asking.
Do you mean:
What are the odds that you get a bike with that serial number and you then register with a particular web service and get the same - Astronomical
What are the odds that you What are the odds that you get a bike with that serial number and you then register with some other service and get the same - eg library card, membership number to a club, etc. - Coming down a bit
What are the odds that you get a serial number on something (not necessarilly a bike) and then get the same serial number elsewhere at a later stage - surprisingly low.
You see probabilities have a habit of playing tricks on our expectations. You only have to get a relatively few people in a room to have quite a high probaility that 2 share a birthday.
I think about thirty something gives you a 50% chance.
If you really want your mind blown about probability check out the Monty hall game here:
3 doors - you have to pick the one with a car behind
After you pick a different door is opened and you get the chance to change your mind and pick a different door- if you do your chances of winning are better