Problems with TwisterII Liquid Handler in The AnswerBank: Science
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Problems with TwisterII Liquid Handler

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LabTech09 | 16:35 Thu 08th Jan 2009 | Science
2 Answers
I am the primary operator for a Caliper TwisterII, yesterday the machine was working fine. Today when I opened the software and initialization file I received the error message:

-2147219497, Hardware error. Unable to abort move. "Receive Failure"

I have shut down the robot and the PC it is connected to and restarted everything.....same thing. Any advice would be welcome.

Also, we do not have a service contract, so that option is not on the table.

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I get the same problem when i boot up my Caliper MkII Twonkmaster 27 GL 1.2 Super sport,

which is a shame really, i guess i'll have to go and buy a new toaster now :(
We've got a few of these handlers at uni and I had a word with an in-house technician who services them yesterday. I explained the problem, but he told me that faults like you describe are either looked at by technicians from our robotics unit or left to a national network of service engineers.

He did suggest though that if you contact the Caliper Life Sciences technical support team (in Runcorn in the UK), they may be able to help you for free. Alternatively, they could arrange a visit by a service engineer despite you having no service contract, although this could prove costly. The viability of this is something you need to discuss with your boss.

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