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geological past help please

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amyskinner | 02:01 Sat 30th May 2009 | Science
3 Answers
which is the one statement that correctly provides a piece of evidence that the continents have drifted in the geological past.

1) The presence of humans on all the continents indicates that the continents were once all joined together.

2) The current lattitude of climate sensitive sedimentary deposits is inconsistent with the latitude where they were originally deposited.

3) The Hawaiian hot spot has been stationary for the last 70 Ma.

4) Basalts are erupted at mid-ocean ridges.

5) The asthenosphere can flow at a very slow rate.



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one for the "homework" section.
Most people on this site are scientologists not scientists.
No.2 The UK's Carboniferous coal deposits are approx 250 million years old and were laid down in tropical rain forest conditions; inconsistent with their present climactic latitude.

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geological past help please

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