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making salt

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arsenal200 | 20:42 Fri 05th Jun 2009 | Science
2 Answers
complete the passage below

when magnesium metal reacts with hydrichloric acid ............ salt and the gas .......................... are produce. less .......................... metals such as copper do not react directly with acids so copper salts have to be made in different way. ........................ can be made by reacting copper oxide with sulphuric acid.


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I'm no scientist but Mg reacting with HCl must lead to MgCl (which is a salt) and hydrogen gas.

Less reactive....

The copper salt will be copper chloride which can be made by reacting copper oxide with sulphuric acid (H₂SO₄)

Incorrect homework question: copper readily reacts with dilute and concentrated nitric acid.

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making salt

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