Aha! So you want to talk philosophy, eh? I'm all for that... First we establish a context and meaning for "infinite" that's not circular, Ok? Most dictionary descriptions of "infinite" or "infinity" include the same words... boundless, endless, eternal. Beyond those few discriptors, the explanation tends towards additional adjectives meaning the same thing.
So, in the context of my example, once a beginning is established, that which has begun is no longer considered infinite, since it has a boundary, that being its beginning (circular, but reasonably fair, would you agree?). Additionally, in our human experience, nothing with a beginning can be endless (accountable to the Laws of Thermodynamics, dontchaknow?).
Now, as to your examples...
Infinity isn’t a number in any conventional sense; you can’t count to infinity. If you could, it wouldn't be, well... infinity. So, first you both are tasked with proving that the repitition of "symbols" (which are what numbers are) does not have an end.
But even more intriguing is the fact that that a number, be it 1,2 or 1700... means nothing unless it counts something. One apple, three oranges.... you get the point. Mathmatician George Cantor has stated "... the most common formal rule for determining if numerical sets have equal numerosity (are numerically equal) is if the elements of one set can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with another set..." Cantor uses this rule to show that when numbers of one set (intergers) are compared to another set (real numbers) it can never be shown of certain that one set is "more infinite" than the other. If a supposed infinity of anything can be compared to the next higher "number" then it, by definition, ceases to be infinite...(Contd.)