If the option is to not bother, then the cost of checking whatever you can, seems well worth it. To not do so seems similar to sticking your collective fingers in your ears to avoid knowing something, to me.
I suspect that should relatively intelligent life emerge elsewhere it is unlikely they'll not stumble across wireless communication, and even if they discover something better for communication later, will be aware of it's potential as a first contact channel and so check it and use it.
Yes given the vastness of space I'm inclined to think there are more "intelligent" lifeforms out there, but I'm also happy to play devil's advocate if appropriate, since we do seem to have a lot going for us here. Our planet's size, a large moon causing tides and stability, distance from a suitable star, a magnetic field to protect us, large possibly protective planets orbiting outside us, sufficient water from being bombarded early on, etc. etc. etc. It may just be a unique combination.