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What is the name of the phenomenon where you don't quite catch what somebody has said, but you understand a few seconds later?

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SarCaustic | 09:04 Tue 18th Jan 2011 | Science
7 Answers
It's as if your brain replays the sound to you. I'm sure there's a term for it, I just can't remember!


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middle age
Happens to me all the time...
what?.....oh erm..I don't know.
Question Author
It's a neurology term, a two word phrase, I think the second word is 'audition'.
I'd google it, but I can't think of how to phrase the search
delayed ?
Auditory feedback?
Delayed aphasia?

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What is the name of the phenomenon where you don't quite catch what somebody has said, but you understand a few seconds later?

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