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how'd this sound?
Dear sir/madam,
Please direct this e-mail to the relevant member of staff who is involved with deep sea organism study.
My name is Nicola and I am currently studying AS level biology. I have recently started research for coursework, but finding information from reliable sources is difficult and thus an acquaintance of mine, who studied at your university suggested contacting you, to see if you could help.
For many years it has been my aspiration to become a marine biologist, so when my class and I were assigned our biology coursework, the first draft of which is due in, in about three weeks and the final draft, at the beginning of April, I automatically knew that I wanted to write my report on a topic to do with marine biology. I decided upon writing about the difficulties of studying deep sea organisms, but am some what lacking information about the analysis of specimens, after the difficulty of obtaining them, with the use of technology such as submarines and ROVs have been overcome (which I will also mention in my report).
I would be very grateful if you could tell me about some of the processes you use to analyse such specimens and what information you can receive about how the organism lives from interpreting the data. I am also currently doing AS levels in; chemistry, maths and geography so wouldn't mind if any of these became quite detailed in your explanations, as I have a sound understanding if them, and am looking to use the skills I have gained from them to boost my comprehension of biology.
Thankyou for your time.
Yours gratefully,. . . . . .