"...only about 40% of ours is being absorbed"
Of course, waldo, the seas know intuitively which CO2 molecules are "ours" and which originate from elsewhere. They deal with the others whilst ignoring ours.
I've heard a load of tripe about global warming and its alter ego "climate change". Nobody has yet managed to convince me that variations in the 4% that mankind has influence over (this figure is not disputed and of which the UK is responsible for about one forties at most) can have such a disproportionate effect on the climate. Meanwhile we seem to be able to muddle along without the other 96% causing us too much trouble.
In the meantime I sit typing this by the light of my “energy efficient eco-friendly” lightbulb, waiting for it to warm up to give me sufficient light to see by, by which time the headache it gives me will have developed nicely. Of course in a few years I will only be able to turn it on at all when the wind is blowing (not too strong, not too hard) as we shall have shut down the “dirty” power stations and replaced them with windmills. Hopefully by then the corruption in the “carbon trading” market will have been tackled so we’ll all be saved. Until then I’ll make do with popping down to my local department store. At least I’ll be warm there because they have, in the middle of winter, a 20 foot door wide open and a 15Kw heating “curtain” warming the street up nicely.
Don’t make me laugh any more as my sides are splitting.