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Should he get out more?

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beso | 11:43 Thu 03rd Feb 2011 | Science
6 Answers
This guy has spent every summer since 1975 on a small gravel spit off Alaska studying guillemots.


I wonder if his is married?


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If he enjoys what he does, then that's all that matters, I suppose. He's not doing any harm, but there's no mention of what he does with the data that he collects. There must be SOME purpose to it, surely? I won't be buying a ticket for the play that someone's going to put on about him and his work. The dialogue might be a bit one-sided.
I envy him, he's found something to do that he seemingly never tires of.
If he has spent every Summer for the past 35 years or more on a small gravel spit off Alaska, he has been out far more than most people already.
Don't know if he's married but he has a 13 year old son.

How lucky for him to find something that he obviously likes and gets to do all the time.
Fascinating article - not many people have seen this sort of detail, first hand.
one person's passion is another person's corrie (do people stil watch that?)

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Should he get out more?

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