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Christmas lunch - in or out?

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naomi24 | 10:48 Mon 05th Dec 2011 | Christmas
22 Answers
For the first time ever we've decided to go to a restaurant for Christmas lunch. I always have a houseful of people who all stay over for several days - so we have a booking for 12. In a way I'm looking forward to the Christmas Day workload being lifted, but in another I'm wondering if it will be quite the same - if you know what I mean.


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You don't even like cooking, do you Naomi?

If I was you, I'd def go out :-)
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No, I don't ummmm - not at all - but unfortunately someone started the vicious rumour that my roast dinners are the best in the world, so usually I'm bu&&ered! Ha! Foiled 'em this year though! :o)

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Christmas lunch - in or out?

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