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What’s Your Chris Day ?

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Bobbisox1 | 21:35 Fri 17th Dec 2021 | Christmas
42 Answers
We strait with a bacon roll and a Buck’s Fizz , can’t imagine doing that at any other time of the year , open presents although that pit will be skipped this year as we’ve decided we only buy for the sake of it and should we want something then we will get it, then it’s to my daughters house , I’ve cooked the Turkey crown on CE, where her and I prep the prawn cocktails and veggies, always have the tv playing Christmas music on a low level, sit down for dinner about 2pm , when I was a small girl the Queens speech was a done thing at 3pm, then we play a board game , my son in law is a terrible cheat ,home around 5/ 6 to comfies and TV like Call the Midwife
My perfikt Christmas Day


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It turned out completely different to the one planned! OH was so preoccupied with getting up in time to walk dog and go to church that breakfast was the usual. Then at lunch we ate too much (clearing up the odds and ends after buffet lunch for family on Xmas eve., so neither of us wanted a full meal this evening. We ate soup and toast.

So tomorrow will be Xmas dinner! :)
Mozz....that sounds like one of the best days for so many! So glad you enjoyed it too...well done. x

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