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Christmas Gift

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shomer42 | 13:58 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Christmas
6 Answers
Can anyone help? I need to know what my girlfriend has bought me. It is about three foot wide, saucer shaped, ribbed and is made of fabric at least partly. I need to know because I dont want to look disappointed on the day. if I know what it is now I can read up on it and look interested. Please HELP???


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maybe it is one of those mini trampolines that you can use to exercise/ jog on indoors. It is really good keep fit and of cousre very fun and good for you as it is really low impact running!

of course, this could be nothing like it and your girlfriend may also have wrapped up a red herring to throw you off the scent.

My husband keeps all his presents for me at work as I always find them and open them before the day and rewrap them...!

happy christmas and happy guessing.
Maybe its a deflated excercise ball, that you will have to pump up yourself!

Why do you automatically seem to assume that you wont like it anyway?
sounds like the lady got you an "eco friendly flying saucer".

i always wanted one of those !
No idea - but you had better log on once you've opened it and let us know what on earth it was!
mini trampoline!!!
Perhaps its a Bean-Bag without the beans in it. Then you'll get the beans seperatley and you'll have two prezzies!!!
Have fun whatever it is.

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