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Baby books

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missyR | 19:50 Sun 17th Dec 2006 | Christmas
2 Answers
Does anybody know any good websites where i can start building up little memorabilia bits and bobs for my baby?
What i mean is like the build up to the birth, what song was number one when i found out i was pregnant etc. I'd like to get it for my bf for christmas so that when my childs old enough they can look back at some of the things i kept! x


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do you want a book or website?

i have this book px?CategoryID=n_books_for_baby&ProductID=6920& language=en-GB
it fits in so much more than other baby books

i also have this website

here is the one i have done for my lo have a diary section where you can post daily thoughts/events etc. There is a pregnancy diary, birth story, baby diary. You can add pics too.

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