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Mrs Thatcher

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murraymints | 18:19 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Seasonal
54 Answers
just caught up..what as woman .admiration deserved..



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You have got to be kidding Mick.


What me?'ve got to be kidding , ron............
Just read the mail article
She had to spend Christmas with her niece as her son and daughter were away!

Says it all if you ask me
-- answer removed --
Evil, self centred, greedy, country dividing, nasty, nasty, bi*ch of a woman is what Ron means.....I'm sure.

Was that really required? So you don't like her politics is there any need for the childish name calling?
I did watch The Iron LAdy and found myself sympathetic, but that was to the Movie character not the real woman. As a Scouser, I still had to indulge in self-flagellation as penance for even sympathising with the charachter.

But enough of my normal Saturday evenings...
Ric.ror, all the absence of her family says is that she's old. Families set up their own families, they move to where there's work, they acquire inlaws they can also spend Christmas with. Just the way of the world.
JNO - shes a elderly lady - its not like they are looking at the financial implications of travelling to be with her or her to be with them
Between the two of them they could have arranged for one to spare the time to be with her
I was not going to get involved in this because, as is already becoming apparent, it is likely to turn nasty.

However, all I would suggest is that those people who were not of working age by about 1974 (which rules out anybody under about 55) should refrain from commenting. Unless you were around as an adult at that time you will only be able to comment on the hearsay that you may have come across.
you'd think so, Ric.ror, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. Somebody has to work, somebody has to be at the inlaws...
now come on, New Judge, would you apply the same reasoning to Churchill?
It was rumoured that at her next meeting with the queen after her "WE are a grandmother" her majesty slapped her - good on you Lizzie!
No I would not apply the same reasoning to Churchill (or indeed just about anybody else), jno. But debates about Churchill do not usually deteriorate into an offensive slanging match, whilst most of those about Mrs T. do.

However, when these debates are disected it is usually those who have absolutely no idea what the UK was like in the 1970s who do the most shouting and who create the most offense. Usually they have been indoctrinated by the State education establishment to believe that everything that happened under the Thatcher regime was evil.
Couldn't the Co-op offer her suitable accommodation?
Indocrinated by state education

You mean "taught" ?
I don't believe that, NJ, my granddad loved her.
However, all I would suggest is that those people who were not of working age by about 1974 (which rules out anybody under about 55) should refrain from commenting.

I am welll below 55, why shouldn't I comment?
Oh - give me strength murraymints! I'm with gness on this one.
On a similar vein I assume that New Judge not having a scientific background will be refraining from commenting on Global Warming!

As if!
If they're going to have a State Funeral eventually perhaps they could get a phalanx of retired miners to pull her gun carriage through the streets to St Pauls.
//On a similar vein I assume that New Judge not having a scientific background will be refraining from commenting on Global Warming! //

Lol - now , now

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