White terror plot in The AnswerBank: News
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White terror plot

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anotheoldgit | 17:01 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | News
8 Answers
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-119114 8/Police-smash-global-plot-poison-non-whites-l ethal-toxin.html

The Daily Mail and The Daily Express are always being criticised regarding their anti-ethnic minority reporting etc, yet I cannot find any of the other newspapers except the Telegraph, reporting this very disturbing white supremacists terror plot.

Why is this.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Just goes to prove: don't judge a book by its cover?
In the eyes of the Express and the Mail all terrorists were Irishmen. Now, they are 'dusky' with an alien language, religion, and culture.
This story doesn't fit their agenda.
^ looked
The police must be concerned that civil war is just around the corner. I hope this satisfies the 'no borders' group
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Well, maybe you are cr@p at searching

Once again the usual aggressive answer I have come to expect from you.

The use of that disgusting word cr@p, shows you up for what you are.

Well maybe you are not very good at searching.

Sounds much better and very more educated, don't you think?
Not a disgusting word you would use then...?

One regular reads on AB that The Daily Mail is a Right Wing lowlife rag, full of crap etc etc.

anotheoldgit Sat 07/10/06 11:24

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